Thursday, March 17, 2005

List of My Favorite Games... What's Yours?

Just wanted to list down my all time favorite computer games from the time
I learned how to use a computer. I guess from this you would have guess from what era I am starting from 486 - Pentium Machines
- Frogger
- Space Invaders
- Asteroids
- Moon Buggy
- Worms
- PacMan
- Chess
- Maniac Mansion
- Summer Games
- Winter Games
- Liesure Suite Larry I - V (This game is soo hilarious!!)
- Carmen Sandiego
- Neuromancer
- Indian Jones
- Dune
- Hero's Quest (My first RPG adventure game)
- Space Quest
- Doom
- Diablo (Why did I ever play this game? 2 weeks of obsession will never do that again)
- StarCraft
- Quake
- Half Life
- Counterstrike (Best game ever played!)
- Diablo II (Yuck!)
- Warcraft
- Neopets (Did I really play this? O well I still have a pet name KuriMao)
- Halo
- Need For Speed
- Tomb Raider
- Ragnarok
- Gunbound
- Frozen Throne (I'm lovin it!)

Some of this games I guess you've never heard before but by the type of games in this list I think I know what kind of games I love to play... RPG Rules Man!!!!!!

So How About You?