Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Filipinos as a superbeings: filipinizing the world

Was browing through google and found this interesting column...

"Filipino as a superbeing: Filipinizing The World"

let me qoute this line that catches my attention, well though I don't really like the content but It was really funny...
“the Filipino has a role to play in the coming world scenario…..We didn’t just export bodies. We exported our own brand of people and our own culture… the Age of Aquarius, the Filipino will be empowered, his sun will rise, he will govern and his real wisdom will shine…..” which presumably presages the fulfillment of our mission, spelled out in the headline, that of “filipinizing the world.”

How can we Filipinize the world?
We can filipinize the Japanese by convincing them that their fetish for punctuality is what makes them uptight and unhappy. (G/G cited a survey which showed the Filipino as the happiest and the Japanese as the unhappiest man in Asia). The Japanese get upset when their trains are 20 seconds late. They should learn to run their trains as we do: only when the engineers feel like it.

We can filipinize the Israelis by teaching their army how to pursue a band of 80 Muslim kidnappers with an invasion force of 6,000 troops, preceded by naval gunfire, artillery barrages and aerial bombardment from safe distances..

We can filipinize the Taiwanese by urging them to allow, as we do, communist labor unions in their industries, communist and pro-communist columnists in their newspapers, and communist front organizations dominating Taipei’s streets, so that in time Taiwan becomes a communist country while the Chinese mainland becomes totally capitalist.

We can filipinize the French by convincing them to build an LRT, a la Edsa MRT, on the magnificent Champs Elysees and the ritzy Rue de Rivoli up to the Ile de la Cite, with incredibly ugly stations at key stops such as the Arc de Triomphe, the Place de la Concorde, the Louvre Museum and the Notre Dame Cathedral. That should spark a real revolution.
(Just some of the examples full details read the column....)

I find this column really funny and very creative...
no wonder why everyone wants to go out of the country... heheheheheh

Filipino can find humour in every situation that's why we're used to just smiling and bearing our troubles.... And when need arises we rise up to the challenges

I am a Filipino although we have flaws I am proud to be a PINOY!

(background: Lupang Hinirang) ...Ang mamatay ng dahil sayo...(Trans:To die for You...)

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